Senin, 02 Desember 2019


Investasi Meningkat, Kemenperin Aktif Siapkan SDM Industri Kompeten

JAKARTA - Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenperin) terus menyiapkan sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang kompeten untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dunia industri. Hal ini merupakan salah satu implementasi dari program prioritas yang terdapat di dalam peta jalan Making Indonesia 4.0 untuk menjadikan industri manufaktur nasional agar lebih berdaya saing global di era digital.
"Serapan tenaga kerja di sektor industri terus meningkat yakni dari 15,54 juta orang pada tahun 2015 menjadi 18 juta orang di tahun 2018 atau naik 17,4%. Artinya, sektor industri menyerap tenaga kerja rata-rata 672.000 orang per tahun," kata Menteri Perindustrian (Menperin) Airlangga Hartarto di Jakarta, Selasa (23/4/2019).
Menperin menjelaskan, peningkatan pada penyerapan tenaga kerja tersebut, bagian efek berantai dari pelaksanaan kebijakan hilirisasi industri. "Jadi, terjadi pertumbuhan sektor industri yang sejalan pula dengan adanya penambahan investasi atau ekspansi di Indonesia," tuturnya.
Airlangga menegaskan, pihaknya fokus mendorong pendalaman struktur industri di dalam negeri melalui peningkatan investasi. Tujuannya, selain mengintegrasikan sektor hulu sampai hilir, juga untuk mensubstitusi produk impor dan memenuhi pasar ekspor.
Kemenperin mencatat, investasi di sektor industri manufaktur pada tahun 2014 sebesar Rp195,74 triliun, naik menjadi Rp226,18 triliun di tahun 2018. Hal ini menurutnya mencerminkan bahwa iklim investasi di Indonesia masih tetap kondusif.
Penanaman modal tersebut membawa dampak positif bagi pertumbuhan sektor industri baik skala besar dan sedang maupun skala kecil. Pada periode tahun 2014-2017,terjadi penambahan populasi industri besar dan sedang, dari tahun 2014 sebanyak 25.094 unit usaha menjadi 30.992 unit usaha sehingga tumbuh 5.898 unit usaha.
Di sektor industri kecil, juga terjadi penambahan, dari tahun 2014 sebanyak 3,52 juta unit usaha menjadi 4,49 juta unit usaha di tahun 2017. Artinya, tumbuh hingga 970.000 industri kecil selama empat tahun tersebut.
"Pertumbuhan penyerapan tenaga kerja paling aktif, salah satunya dilakukan oleh sektor industri otomotif yang telah menyerap lebih dari satu juta tenaga kerja," ungkap Menperin.
Pada sektor industri automotif, empat pabrikan besar telah menjadikan Indonesia sebagai rantai pasok global. "Dalam waktu dekat, ada beberapa prinsipal automotif lagi yang bergabung, dan akan menjadikan Indonesia sebagai hub manufaktur automotif di wilayah Asia," imbuhnya.
Sektor manufaktur lainnya yang menyerap tenaga kerja banyak adalah industri makanan dengan kontribusi hingga 26,67%, disusul industri pakaian jadi (13,69%), serta industri kayu, barang dari kayu dan gabus (9,93%).
Selanjutnya, industri tekstil (7,46%), industri barang galian bukan logam (5,72%), serta industri furnitur (4,51%). Airlangga menyebutkan, ada tiga pilar utama yang perlu menjadi perhatian untuk memacu pertumbuhan industri nasional, yaitu investasi, teknologi, dan sumber daya manusia (SDM).
Menurutnya, ketersediaan SDM yang terampil sangat diperlukan guna meningkatkan produktivitas dan daya saing sektor industri. Apalagi, Indonesia punya potensi tersebut seiring dengan adanya bonus demografi yang sedang dinikmati hingga tahun 2030.


Rabu, 13 November 2019



Kelompok 5 :
      1.      Ceisyah Violadita       (28216025)
      2.      Farraz Al-Ghazy         (22216680)
      3.      Fella Rahmawati       (22216779)
      4.      Lia Astuti                    (28216319)
      5.      Tri Wahyudi                (27216435)
      6.      Yuni Artha                   (27216859)

Pengorganisasian adalah suatu proses pengaturan dan pengalokasian kerja, wewenang, sumber daya dikalangan anggota sehingga mereka dapat mencapai tujuan organisasi secara efisien. Pegawai adalah salah satu aset yang paling bernilai dalam perusahaan, tidak lain bagi pencapaian visi Bank Mandiri untuk menjadi yang terbaik di ASEAN. Bank Mandiri terus melakukan penyempurnaan dalam kebijakan Human Capital agar pegawai dapat terus dikembangkan dan dapat membawa Bank Mandiri menjadi perusahaan dengan kinerja terbaik.
Strategi pengelolaan Human Capital dilaksanakan dengan memperhatikan prinsip kehati-hatian, penerapan manajemen risiko serta praktik Good Corporate Goveranance. Strategi disusun dengan memperhatikan best practice di dunia dan dikolaborasi dengan inovasi-inovasi dan teknologi yang mendukung.
Organisasi yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan Bank Mandiri yaitu :
      ·    Organization Development
    Suatu kerangka kerja yang disusun untuk proses perubahan yang dapat menimbulkan dampak            positif diinginkan kepada seluruh stakeholder dan lingkungan.
      ·    Capacity and Fullfillment

Struktur organisasi yang digunakan oleh Bank mandiri di atas merupakan bentuk struktur organisasi lini (Line Organization Structure), yaitu organisasi yang wewenang atasan langsung ditujukan kepada bawahan, karena bawahan bertanggung jawab langsung kepada atasannya dan adanya suatu perintah. Pembagian tugas dan wewenang dalam Bank mandiri jika di lihat dari struktur organisasinya sangat jelas dan sangat tertata.

Senin, 14 Oktober 2019



Anggota Kelompok :

Ceisyah Violadita         (28216025)

Farraz Al-Ghazy           (22216680)

Fella Rahmawati         (22216779)

Lia Astuti                      (28216319)

Tri Wahyudi                  (27216435)

Yuni Artha                     (27216859)


Bagian Staff / karyawan

Seorang Staff memiliki tugas yang berbeda-beda sesuai dengan departemen masing-masing. Setiap staff bertanggung jawab atas segala kegiatan operasional yang dijalankan oleh perusahaan seperti pemesanan barang kepada supplier, follow up barang kepada supplier (order), memproses barang yang dikirim, memajang (display) barang, bertanggung jawab kepada Divisi Manager. Dan staff juga bertanggung jawab untuk berkomunikasi langsung dengan konsumen serta pelanggan Giant Hypermarket untuk selengkapnya berikut merupakan tugas dari setiap divisi maupun department:

a.     Grocery Food
Tugas dasarnya yaitu bertanggung jawab atas bahan-bahan pokok, dalam proses operasi grocery.

b.     Grocery Non Food
Tugas dasarnya yaitu bertanggung jawab atas bagian bahan kebersihan, kosmetik, pelengkapan bayi serta kegiatan dalam operasi grocery.

c.     Textile
Tugas dasarnya yaitu bertanggung jawab atas semua jenis pakaian, syal, topi, jaket yang layak untuk dipasarkan, sesuai dengan model sekarang dan pengelompokkan ukuran.

d.     Gent and Sport
Tugas dasarnya yaitu bertanggng jawab atas peralatan dan perlengkapan olah raga baik dalam pemeriksaan kondisi layak pakai dan pemasatan.

e.     Children Infant
Tugas dasarnya yaitu bertanggung jawab atas semua mainan anak-anak dan balita baik didalam pengelompokkan bahan, jenis mainan, dan kelayakan pemasaran.

f.       Footware House Hold
Tugas dasarnya yaitu bertanggung jawab atas semua alat-alat rumah tangga baik dalam pemeriksaan kondisi layak pakai dan pemasaran barang tersebut.

g.     Electrical
Tugas dasarnya yaitu bertanggung jawab atas semua alat-alat elektronik baik dalam pemeriksaan kondisi layak pakai dan pemasarannya.

h.     Bazaar
Tugas dasarnya yaitu bertanggung jawab atas semua barang atau produk yang akan di obral, karena cuci gudang.

i.       Toys and Stationary
Tugas dasarnya yaitu bertanggung jawabb atas peralatan sekolah dan kantor baik dalam pemeriksaan kondisi layak pakai dan pemasarannya.

 j.       Home Funishing
Tugas dasarnya yaitu bertanggung jawab atas alat pertukangan, mobil, motor dan listrik.

k.     Meat and Chicken
Tugas dasarnya yaitu mengontrol meat dan chicken yang layak jual, mengelompokkannya sesuai dengan jenisnya dan fungsinya, memoton meat dan chicken, mengemas dan memajang meat dan chicken ditempatnya sekaligus bertanggungjawab pada seluruh kegiatan yang menyangkut keberlangsungan perasi penjualan meat dan chicken.

l.       Seafood
     Tugas dasarnya yaitu mengontrol seafood (ikan dan udang) yang layak dijual kepada konsumen, mengelompokkan ikan sesuai dengan jenis ikan tersebut, membersihkan ikan, memajang ikan yang telah memenuhi kriteria penjualan dan membakar ikan.

m.        Fruit and Vegetables
Tugas dasarnya yaitu penerimaan baran dari sales, pemilihan buah dan syuran yang sudah busuk, penimbangan, pengepakan, memajang, melakukan penyemprotan terhadap sayuran hijau.

n.         Ready to Eat
Tugas dasarnya yaitu memproses, memajang berbagai macam masakan (ayam panggang, aneka gorengan dan lain sebagainya), mempersiapkan bahan dan bumbu untuk makanan.

o.         Bakery
Tugas dasarnya yaitu memproses, membungkus, dan memajang berbagai macam roti, cake, dan donat.

p.         Dairy Daily
Tugas dasrnya yaitu mengecek bahan makanan yang sudah kadaluarsa, merapihkan bahan makanan di dalam showcase, mengelompokkan bahan makan sesuai dengan jenisnya.

q.         WH Receiving
Tugas dasrnya yaitu menangani masuk dan keluarnya barang, baik itu barang grocery ataupun fresh.

r.          I.T
Tugas dasarnya yaitu bertanggung jawab atas seluruh jaringan komputerisasi/networking yang ada pada perusahaan.

                       s.          M.E

Tugas dasrnya yaitu menangani semua peralatan elektronik pada perusahaan, baik yang mengalami kerusakan atau adanya penambahan aliran listrik.

t.           Front Desk

Tugas dasarnya yaitu mengontrol area deposit, mengembalikan barang yang tidak jadi di beli, serta mengecek pengambilan barang.

u.         HRD

Bertugas terhadap kegiatan perusahaan yang berhubungan dengan karyawan. Adapun yang menjadi tugas dan wewenang dari divisi ini, diantaranya:
·      Mengatur seluruh gaji karyawan.

·      Mengatur seluruh kegiatan operasional perusahaan.

·      Mengatur pelaksanaan asuransi kesehatan tenaga kerja.

·      Menyeleksi calon karyawan dan memberikan training.

·      Bertanggung jawab atas kesejahteraan karyawan dan melaporkannya kepada GM.

                       v.          Accounting

       Tugas dasarnya yaitu menangani masalah keuangan perusahaan.

                       w.        Loss Prevention
       Tugas dasarnya yaitu mengamankan seluruh asset perusahaan, mengecek keseluruhan alat-alat keamanan yang dapat menimbulkan bahaya, memantau kamera, melihat keadaan konsumen dan karyawan seandainya terdapat gerak-gerik yang mencurigakan.

                       x.          CTV

       Tugas dasarnya yaitu memberikan detector pada barang yang sekiranya rawan hilang.

                       y.          Intel

       Tugas dasarnya yaitu patrol diseluruh area toko mulai dari bawah gondola sampai ke karyawan maupun konsumen dan mengamankan karyawan atau konsumen yang berbuat iseng dengan memasukan barang, misalnya kedalam baju atau hingga memprosesnya kepihak yang berwajib.

Jumat, 10 Mei 2019


Kelompok 4 :
Ceisyah Violadita         (28216025)
Dwiki Raihan Prakoso (22216219)
Fella Rahmawati          (22216779)
Gisela Dayrainsky        (23216062)
Mega Putriyani             (24216344)
Muhammad Fauzy       (24216843)

1.      ARTIKEL 1

Jokowi: Indonesia will Become a Developed Nation in 2045
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo expressed his optimism towards Indonesia becoming a fully-developed nation. The President hoped to rank Indonesia as the world's fourth best country in 2045.
During his opening speech at the opening of the National Development Planning Conference (Musrenbangnas), Jokowi stated that the nation must work hard to achieve that dream. One of the many ways that can be taken, according to the President, is to escape the middle-income trap.
"First and foremost is infrastructure. Equal development must be achieved. Without it, don't ever dream of Indonesia progressing to be a country with the world’s fourth or fifth economy," said Jokowi at the Shangrila Hotel in South Jakarta on Thursday, May 9, 2019.
Equal development throughout Indonesia must be synchronized between central and regional governments, and share responsibility in developing national strategic development plans such as toll roads, harbors, and airports.
The President also pointed out that bureaucracy and structural reform is truly needed to achieve the expected efficiency within central or regional government agencies. One example he deemed needs fixing is in the realm of business permits.
The third element to improve is to constantly improve Indonesia’s human resources, which is not an easy task considering 51 percent of the country's workforces are primary school graduates.

      Sentence :
President Joko Widodo expressed his optimism towards Indonesia becoming a fully-developed nation.
Paraphrasing :
President Joko Widodo voiced his optimism about Indonesia becoming a fully developed country.

      2. ARTIKEL 2

"It's only a matter of money, It's The Meaning of Success Ala Warren Buffet" - At the age of 88 year, Warren Buffett, investor snapper world and owner of Berkshire Hathaway often considered Yoda of the investment world because of his wealth. According to Forbes, his fortune now stands at 86 billion dollars or about Rp 1,212 trillion (exchange rate of Rp 14,100 per US dollar). Who would have thought, the best move among the richest men in the world, about how to achieve success in business has nothing to do with profit and loss account or stock portfolio. "By far the best investment you can do is to yourself," Warren Buffett said recently the chief editor Andy Serwer Yahoo Finance quoted by CNN, Thursday (25/04/2019).
Investing in yourself can do better learn to communicate orally and in writing. This can improve the success of at least 50 percent. If you can not communicate with someone, like mengerlingkan eye on a girl in the dark so it will not mean anything. "Nothing happened. You got to get your ideas," suggests Buffet. The second thing that suggested Buffet is started caring for the body and mind as a youngster. "If I give you a car, and it will be the only car you get your lifetime, you'll look hard. You will fix every scratch is there, reading the guide book the car, and build a garage," said Buffett cited , As with the body. We can not begin to take care at the age of 50 years, when should you have felt the impact of healthy living. Moreover, unlike other investments that result up and down, investment in yourself will be enjoyed by yourself anyway. For information only, Buffett is known for a diet Coke and Mcdonald her. He said, people should do what he says. In the end, Buffett definition of true success is not necessarily related to money. "I have repeatedly said, if you reach age 65 or 70 years, then have the people you love and love you, you are a success," said Buffett. investment in yourself will be enjoyed by yourself anyway. For information only, Buffett is known for a diet Coke and Mcdonald her. He said, people should do what he says. In the end, Buffett definition of true success is not necessarily related to money. "I have repeatedly said, if you reach age 65 or 70 years, then have the people you love and love you, you are a success," said Buffett. investment in yourself will be enjoyed by yourself anyway. For information only, Buffett is known for a diet Coke and Mcdonald her. He said, people should do what he says. In the end, Buffett definition of true success is not necessarily related to money. "I have repeatedly said, if you reach age 65 or 70 years, then have the people you love and love you, you are a success," said Buffett.

Sentence :
At the age of 88 year, Warren Buffett, investor snapper world and owner of Berkshire Hathaway often considered Yoda of the investment world because of his wealth.

At the age of 88, Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway's investor snapper world and own r, often considered the investment world's yoda because of his wealth.

Sentence :
Who would have thought, the best move among the richest men in the world, about how to achieve success in business has nothing to do with profit and loss account or stock portfolio.


Who would have thought the best move among the world's richest men about how to achieve business success has nothing to do with profit and loss account or stock portfolio.


The Jakarta PostJessica declared suspect in Mirna’s murder – The police have named Jessica Kumala Wongso a suspect in the murder of Wayan Mirna Salihin, who died soon after drinking cyanide-laced coffee at Olivier restaurant at Grand Indonesia, Central Jakarta, on Jan. 6.
Jessica, who shared a table at the restaurant with Mirna and Hani on Jan. 6, was arrested by the police on Saturday at a hotel in North Jakarta.
‘Jessica was arrested at 7 a.m. [on Saturday],’ said Jakarta Police general crimes director Sr. Corm. Krishna Murti in Jakarta on Saturday, adding that it had been decided to declare Jessica a suspect on Friday night.
Since the death of Mirna, the police focused their investigation on Jessica, searching her house and questioning her several times as well as her maid, who reportedly discarded the pants Jessica wore at the restaurant.
The police also questioned Hani, a relative of Mirna, and employees of Olivier restaurant and held three reconstructions of Mirna’s death at the restaurant. They also sought help from the Australian Federal Police to obtain information about Mirna’s life in the country.
Jessica visited the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) on Wednesday to file a report, saying she was being treated like a suspect by the police and the media.
Before declaring Jessica a suspect, the police and prosecutors met on Friday to discuss the case.

      Sentence :
Jessica visited the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) on Wednesday to file a report, saying she was being treated like a suspect by the police and the media.
Paraphrasing :
On Wednesday, Jessica visited the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) to file a report saying police and media treated her as a suspect.


Commuter train passengers to receive free ‘takjil’ from May 15 to 17

The Jakarta Post
PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (KCI) will provide passengers with free takjil (breaking-of-the-fast snacks) from May 15 to 17 at 6 stations, namely Jakarta Kota, Gondangdia, Cikini, Sudirman and Tanah Abang.
“To enliven this year’s Ramadan, KCI will distribute free takjil at 6 stations alternately from May 15 to 17,” KCI spokesperson Anne Purba said on Tuesday as quoted by
The takjil will be a packet of light snack and a beverage to break the passengers’ fast. The passengers are also allowed to eat or drink takjil on the train, from sunset or maghrib until one hour afterward.
On the other days, passengers are also allowed to break their fast on the train, but not with food that emanates strong smell. (vla)

      Sentence :
PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (KCI) will provide passengers with free takjil (breaking-of-the-fast snacks) from May 15 to 17 at 6 stations, namely Jakarta Kota, Gondangdia, Cikini, Sudirman and Tanah Abang.
Paraphrasing :
At 6 stations, namely Jakarta Kota, Gondangdia, Cikini, Sudirman and Tanah Abang, PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (KCI) will prepare passengers with some snacks for Iftaar (time for Muslims to break their fast) from May 15 to 17.


Archie Harrison: The meaning behind the royal baby's name

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have named their baby son Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor.
A surprise choice, Archie was not among the bookmakers' favourites of Alexander, Arthur and Albert.
"I don't think anyone of us saw either of these names coming," says Joe Little, managing editor of Majesty royal magazine.
As far as he is aware, Archie does not have any British royal connotations - and Harrison too is a totally new name for the Royal Family.
Archie means "genuine", "bold" or "brave" - and is more popular in Britain than the US. It was originally a shortened form of Archibald but is now often used as a name on its own.
It was the 18th most-popular boy's name in England and Wales in 2017, with 2,803 baby boys called Archie that year, and has been in the top 50 consistently since 2003.
Harrison is slightly more popular than Archie in the US - although it's still more common in the UK, where it was ranked the 34th most-popular boy's name in 2017.
And, rather fittingly, Harrison - a name which was originally used as a surname - means "son of Harry".
Mr Little said: "It may well be it's a name that Meghan is familiar with and again that's why they are using it," he said.
"Archie has a British feel to it, whereas Harrison is more of an American name. The first Harrison that springs to mind is Harrison Ford.
"They have wanted to do something a little bit different, and they have done."
Some had wondered whether either of the new baby's grandfathers' or great-grandfathers' names might appear as a middle name - either Philip or Charles on the royal side, or Thomas on Meghan's.
"Again, it's down to the parents," said Mr Little. "It's their choice."

Media captionPrince Harry held their two-day-old son
Harry and Meghan have also chosen not to use a courtesy title for their new son.
As the first-born son of a duke, Archie could have assumed the title of Earl of Dumbarton but he will instead simply be known as Master Archie.
Royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams said the individuality shown by Harry and Meghan in their choice of non-traditionally royal names was "marvellous" and would "rejuvenate the monarchy".
"It's a unique choice, by a unique couple who are doing things in a unique way," he said, adding: "We are talking about brand Sussex, which is an international brand."
It is not the first time that a British royal baby has been given a name which is not traditionally royal. The name given to the Queen's first granddaughter - Zara Phillips - "caused quite a sensation" when it was unveiled, said Mr Little.
Famous Archies include Archie Panjabi, who starred in The Good Wife; Archie Andrews in Archie comics in America and also the Netflix show Riverdale; and Archie Mitchell, a villain in the BBC soap EastEnders.
Family history website Ancestry said it expects the name Archie to become even more popular, having analysed the impact of other royal baby names. It said George and Charlotte both jumped up the rankings in the UK, as did William and Harry.
Mountbatten-Windsor is the surname which was created in 1960, combining the surnames of the Queen and Prince Philip when they married. The double-barrelled name was a concession to the Duke of Edinburgh, who was said to have complained that his children would not bear his name.
The three children of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge all have Cambridge on their birth certificates.
Royal author Penny junior said she thinks the Duke of Edinburgh would be "absolutely thrilled" with his surname being used.
"Prince Philip was never allowed to call his children by his own surname," she said. "I think that's a really nice tribute to Harry's grandfather."

Sentence :
Mountbatten-Windsor is the surname which was created in 1960, combining the surnames of the Queen and Prince Philip when they married. The double-barrelled name was a concession to the Duke of Edinburgh, who was said to have complained that his children would not bear his name.

Paraphrasing :
Mountbatten-Windsor is the surname created in 1960, when they married the Queen's and Prince Philip's surnames. The name was a concession to the Duke of Edinburgh, who was said to have complained that his kids would not bear his name.

Jumat, 11 Januari 2019

Economy System In Soekarno Era

In the era of President Sukarno of the economic system, the president running the economic system of guided democracy. In this economic system, the president is directly involved and regulating the economy. All economic activities centered on the central government. As a result, economic activity in the area to be disturbed and decreased. In the planned economy era Indonesia repeatedly change the design of its economy with every passing incumbent cabinet.
In the early days of independence, namely the war for independence, Indonesia has been using military tactics scorched earth that ultimately affect either the economy as well as their economic blockade of the Netherlands led to Indonesia can not export and import from and to foreign countries, even when it is no condition of the state treasury blank. A condition in which Indonesia does not have an income to the state treasury is empty.
After Indonesia recognized its independence by the Netherlands, Indonesia inherited the entire debt of the Netherlands plus a flurry of Indonesia to nationalize companies Dutch and also quell revolts occurred makes Indonesia can not focus on building the economy while Indonesia changed the system parliamentary be guided also still can not build the economy better, this may be due to Indonesia were shut ourselves off from the west, but at that time the western economy is booming.
Sukarno era marked by the collapse Supersemar (supersemar) containing a transfer of power from Mr. Sukarno to Mr. Seharto, unknown to the original or not the letter.


The Best Economy System In Indonesia

Indonesian state using Pancasila economic system, the economic system that takes the good things of the capitalist and communist economic system and remove the bad from both. Capitalist economic system is a market mechanism, that all matters concerning the economy left to the market. While the communist economic system is centralistic economic system, that is all that is set by the government. But in fact now almost no country that uses a purely economic systems.
Indonesia is a developing country, still common market failure caused by less inequality of information on means of transport and communication. When submitted to the full market economy, there will be a market failure that makes the economy worse. Economic problems such as inflation and high unemployment could emerge and cause lower economic growth that will occur poverty. The role of government is required to regulate the market.
In my opinion, Indonesia is more appropriate to use the economic system of Pancasila (mixture) because there are still many Indonesian people today are below the poverty line. If Indonesia uses a capitalist economic system, it will add to impoverish the people. Most Indonesian people have a business that is still classified into small and medium businesses. They still can not compete perfectly with great efforts. Therefore, the necessary role of government (Communist / Socialist) to assist in arranging or providing policy so that the industry can develop. In pure capitalism, governments are not allowed to do this, therefore it is pure capitalism can not be applied in Indonesia.



Fella Rahmawati (22216779) 4EB06 Vclass Minggu 12 AFAI  7 Teknik Audit :  Memeriksa Fisik (Physical examination) Memeriksa fisi...